Episode 31 - "Productizing Self For Prosperity" with Dr. Chris Jabbo Allen
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Have you ever been doubted of your full potential? In life, where there are unexpected twists and turns, a lot of us give in to the fear and pressure of...
mostra di piùListen in as I talk to Dr. Chris about his journey from being a kid who was never really interested in school to becoming one of the coolest and most respected educators in his field, finishing a Master’s, as well as a Doctorate degree in Business Administration. He is also the CEO of the business consulting firm “The Jabbo Group,” an Evolutionary Coach and a Marketer who writes and speaks about generational relationship changes, American culture and generational consumerism.
Dr. Chris delves deeper into how you can market yourself as a product towards a more prosperous life!
Episode Highlights:
- Dr. Chris’ academic journey and how he turned his life around by realizing what’s in front of him
- What it means for him to be prosperous as an educator and entrepreneur
- A turning point of Dr. Chris’ transition from the Sports industry to Higher Education
- His "greatest gift and greatest curse”
- How the 4 P’s of Marketing plays into successfully selling yourself as a “product”
- The next big thing and challenges in Dr. Chris’ untethered journey, and how he plans to make it a reality
Get to know him better!
- Check out Dr. Chris’ website at https://jabbogroup.org/
- Listen to Dr. Chris’ podcast: https://apple.co/3MkMNNf
- Connect with Dr. Chris on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3mabr8H
- Connect with Dr. Chris on Instagram @thejabboshow
- Follow Dr. Chris on Twitter @thejabbogroup
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