Episode 3 - Turning Pain into Purpose

18 feb 2022 · 24 min. 49 sec.
Episode 3 - Turning Pain into Purpose

Have you ever wondered why you went through WHAT you went through? Have you ever questioned why you, why your family? There are some answers we won’t have on this...

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Have you ever wondered why you went through WHAT you went through? Have you ever questioned why you, why your family? There are some answers we won’t have on this side of life, but luckily these two are easily answered and the answer lies in your PAIN.

That’s right! The most traumatic, devastating, depressing, lonely and painful moments of your life often unlock the key to your purpose, your WHY! Listen in as I share how I turned my pain into purpose and how I’m going to help someone else do that THIS Tuesday (2/22/22) at 7 pm EST within the Miracle Mamas Club.

Join the Miracle Mamas Club: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/miracle-mamas?utm_medium=ch_club&utm_campaign=H2n8ra-rgXOyBc2QY1oq8Q-68374

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Autore Ebony Ford
Organizzazione Ebony Ford
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