Episode 3

22 apr 2022 · 21 min. 4 sec.
Episode 3

We started this podcast series nervous and antsy; after-all, we’d be chatting with super successful and accomplished Alumni who really know their stuff…it’s intimidating! The more we got into the...

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We started this podcast series nervous and antsy; after-all, we’d be chatting with super successful and accomplished Alumni who really know their stuff…it’s intimidating! The more we got into the process we realized that people in the Sustainability space have big hearts that persist throughout their careers. Take Erin Tobin, for example, a Research Coordinator at the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. She’s extremely experienced in networking within the sustainability and environmental space throughout the city of Pittsburgh and lets us in on the tips-and-tricks of effective communication, project development, and fund-sourcing. Erin talks about the importance of maintaining green spaces and the innovations brought to such areas to relieve urban problems like redirecting rainwater to gardens to lessen flooding. Epic stuff. You better start listening.

Questions? Suggestions for future episodes? Contact sid27@pitt.edu, jle79@pitt.edu, or zns6@pitt.edu!
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