Episode 29: How a breakfast burrito got a man kicked off a flight and arrested

19 apr 2021 · 29 min. 4 sec.
Episode 29: How a breakfast burrito got a man kicked off a flight and arrested

Wheels Up is my podcast going behind the scenes of some of the offbeat and unusual stories from the airlines, airports and travelers. In this installment: a breakfast burrito catches...

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Wheels Up is my podcast going behind the scenes of some of the offbeat and unusual stories from the airlines, airports and travelers. In this installment: a breakfast burrito catches the eye of a TSA agent, the creator of Southwest Airlines brings us Breeze Airways, and the CDC says airlines should leave middle seats empty...but will they?
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Autore 98.7 The River (WYKZ-FM)
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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