Episode 27: Buzz Lightyear found safe and secure after an airline adventure

22 mar 2021 · 26 min. 11 sec.
Episode 27: Buzz Lightyear found safe and secure after an airline adventure

Wheels Up is a podcast about the offbeat and unusual stories of the airline industry and airports. In this installment, Southwest finds a boy's lost Buzz Lightyear action figure and...

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Wheels Up is a podcast about the offbeat and unusual stories of the airline industry and airports. In this installment, Southwest finds a boy's lost Buzz Lightyear action figure and returns it with some special photos...a plane is diverted to Charleston after a passenger bites a man's ear following some erratic and disruptive behavior...John Kerry flies maskless and a photo goes viral...and a flight from Costa Rica is delayed when the flight crew is robbed on their way to the airport
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Autore 98.7 The River (WYKZ-FM)
Organizzazione iHeartRadio
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