Episode 2: Sex Preference, a Reason for Many Abortions across the World (January 10, 2021)

10 gen 2021 · 1 h 6 min. 40 sec.
Episode 2: Sex Preference, a Reason for Many Abortions across the World (January 10, 2021)

In this episode of Trumpet for the Protection of Life, Catholic missionary and evangelist Emmanuel Peter Kahama explains that in the world there are about 42 million abortions per year,...

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In this episode of Trumpet for the Protection of Life, Catholic missionary and evangelist Emmanuel Peter Kahama explains that in the world there are about 42 million abortions per year, which end the LIFE of very innocent children. Eastern Europe and Asian nations among other countries prefers Boys over girls. With the help of technology, abortion is increasing while policies and laws support it in over 70 states in the world. We need to wake up and protect the Unborn. Your voice matters. (January 10, 2021)
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