Episode 197: Recap: Gospel of John (PolyPat 71) (July 30, 2021)

30 lug 2021 · 37 min. 37 sec.
Episode 197: Recap: Gospel of John (PolyPat 71) (July 30, 2021)

In this episode of Polycarp's Paradigm, Catholic evangelists Eric Robinson and Pat Flynn, having finished their commentary on all 21 chapters of the Gospel of John, find it is time...

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In this episode of Polycarp's Paradigm, Catholic evangelists Eric Robinson and Pat Flynn, having finished their commentary on all 21 chapters of the Gospel of John, find it is time to summarize the key themes: Jesus is God, Mary's Role as Intercessor and Mother, and the sacramental life of the Church (Baptism & Eucharist), among other themes. (July 30, 2021)
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