Episode 194: The Wisdom of the Word (w/ Dr. Michael Dauphinais) (July 20, 2021)

17 lug 2021 · 1 h 15 min. 50 sec.
Episode 194: The Wisdom of the Word (w/ Dr. Michael Dauphinais) (July 20, 2021)

In this episode of Polycarp's Paradigm, Catholic evangelist Eric Robinson talks with Dr. Michael Dauphinais, Professor and Chair of Theology at Ave Maria University, who helps unpack biblical answers to...

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In this episode of Polycarp's Paradigm, Catholic evangelist Eric Robinson talks with Dr. Michael Dauphinais, Professor and Chair of Theology at Ave Maria University, who helps unpack biblical answers to ten pressing questions about Catholicism. He co-authored a book with Dr. Matthew Levering, "The Wisdom of the Word." Check it out at https://www.wordonfire.org/wisdom/. (July 20, 2021)
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