Episode 18: The life of a Turkmen girl

23 giu 2024 · 8 min. 34 sec.
Episode 18: The life of a Turkmen girl

Today, our guest is Kayra Naz, a Turkmen and Zaza Kurd teenager living in Turkey.  We had a very productive and civil conversation. We discussed some of the existential challenges...

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Today, our guest is Kayra Naz, a Turkmen and Zaza Kurd teenager living in Turkey.  We had a very productive and civil conversation. We discussed some of the existential challenges surrounding the Turkmen communities and how these obstacles can not impede their progress. I realized how intertwined our cultures are with that of Turkmen. We shared very interesting anecdotes about each other's cultures and delved into the wonders of Anatolian tapestry. She mentioned an intriguing and inspiring family tradition passed down for centuries. I really admired her determination to preserve her family traditions and her commitment to celebrating her unique identity. I believe that she is an excellent example of a young culture advocate.
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Autore Can Sinan Canpolat
Organizzazione Can Sinan Canpolat
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