
Episode 169: The Good/Bad of AI Art & Social Media with Hermes Auslander

31 lug 2024 · 1 h 8 min. 36 sec.
Episode 169: The Good/Bad of AI Art & Social Media with Hermes Auslander

Welcome to Chuck's Cantina Podcast where anything & everything is up from discussion. This week Hermes Auslander from The Scuttlebutt podcast to discuss getting into certain types of drinks, how...

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Welcome to Chuck's Cantina Podcast where anything & everything is up from discussion. This week Hermes Auslander from The Scuttlebutt podcast to discuss getting into certain types of drinks, how people hide behind their social media, and how how AI effects artists today and going forward. Chuck's drink: High Qualithy H2O & Cold Brew. Hereme's drink: Bloody Mary. You can follow the show on Facebook, Twitter, Lapse, & Instagram, at @Chuckscantina for more information. To contact the show please reach out to Cheers.
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Autore Charles O'Donnell
Organizzazione Charles O'Donnell
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