Episode 15: He Who Gives You Food, Controls You! (November 1, 2020)

2 nov 2020 · 1 h 13 min. 58 sec.
Episode 15: He Who Gives You Food, Controls You! (November 1, 2020)

Burkina Faso (the land of the upright Man), formerly known as the Republic of Upper Volta, was renamed by Thomas Isidore Noel Sankara, who was a guitarist, Marxist, Patriot, Military...

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Burkina Faso (the land of the upright Man), formerly known as the Republic of Upper Volta, was renamed by Thomas Isidore Noel Sankara, who was a guitarist, Marxist, Patriot, Military Captain and President of Burkina Faso. He served as the Prime Minister, also. He was murdered because He stood up for his land. We need his thoughts as He said, "You can kill the revolutionists, but never their thoughts." (November 1, 2020)
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