Episode 14: Off The Rails - December 13th, 2019

13 dic 2019 · 36 min. 4 sec.
Episode 14: Off The Rails - December 13th, 2019

In our fourteenth episode of Mucking Around The KI, We’re nearing the Christmas break! That means its harder to get interviews. But we still have great content this week, including...

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In our fourteenth episode of Mucking Around The KI,

We’re nearing the Christmas break! That means its harder to get interviews.

But we still have great content this week, including Spokane Braves Play-by-Play announcer Greg Rentz.

Grand Forks Head Coach John Clewlow joins us to talk about where the Border Bruins are at in the Neil Murdoch Division and his hopes for the team coming out of the Christmas break.

And No Yelling on the Bus also makes a return appearance this week with Fernie Ghostriders forward Johnny Elias.

Time Sheet:

0:00 Intro Theme

0:38 Introductions

2:20 Recap of the last week of the 2019/2020 KIJHL Season.

8:33 Interview with Grand Forks Border Bruins Coach Head Coach John Clewlow.

13:44 No Yelling on the Bus

17:33 Interview with Spokane Braves Play-by-Play announcer Greg Rentz

26:07 KIJHL’s Hot in the KI Three Stars for the week of November 25th.

28:15 Predictions for the upcoming weekend of the KIJHL Season

34:24 End

Post by Futuri Link: https://c1-green.futuripost.com/chdr/playlist/mucking-around-the-ki-podcast-episode-14-923.html

Spreaker Link: https://www.spreaker.com/show/mucking-around-the-ki
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Autore Jeff Johnson
Organizzazione Jeff Johnson
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