
Episode 11 Ghosting

Episode 11 Ghosting
25 lug 2023 · 1 h 27 min. 30 sec.

In this episode we talk about some of our ghosting experiences with being ghosted, being the ghoster, and some of our friends share some of their ghosting experiences as well....

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In this episode we talk about some of our ghosting experiences with being ghosted, being the ghoster, and some of our friends share some of their ghosting experiences as well.

Today's Spanish word of the day "El Cucuy" aka the boogeyman.

Two years ago, UTI guy and Dave Bautista ghosted me at different times and it kinda messed me up, but fast forward 2 years later and I have become the ghoster 😬 What are some reasons y'all have ghosted people in your lives or why do you think you were ghosted? Let us know through our socials below!

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