Episode 104: A green thumb

11 mag 2021 · 11 min. 53 sec.
Episode 104: A green thumb

After you’ve set yourself up for the right money mentality, it’s time to take the next step and assess your situation. Where’s it all come from and go to? If...

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After you’ve set yourself up for the right money mentality, it’s time to take the next step and assess your situation. Where’s it all come from and go to? If you know where you’re at, you can adjust and put your green thumb to use and grow your own cabbage. Links and Resources: Website: Educounting
Facebook: fb.com/moneywithmakng
Twitter: @moneywithmakng
Instagram: @moneywithmakng
YouTube: Educounting
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Autore Ben Jones
Organizzazione Ben Jones
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