Episode 04: World Music with Joe Terrana

25 giu 2024 · 29 min. 13 sec.
Episode 04: World Music with Joe Terrana

Episode 04 of The Resounding Collective features Joe Terrana, of World Music Safari. https://www.youtube.com/@worldmusicsafari Joe Terrana showcases instruments from all around the world on his YouTube channel, World Music Safari....

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Episode 04 of The Resounding Collective features Joe Terrana, of World Music Safari.

Joe Terrana showcases instruments from all around the world on his YouTube channel, World Music Safari. Subscribe to his YouTube channel to see some amazing instruments!

In this episode, Joe and I talk about the various instruments we learned to play while growing up, and Joe talks about his instruments collected from all over the world. We also talk about our musical tastes and the way music brings us all together; it's truly the universal language!

Suggestions for future conversations are always welcome. Send us an email at theresoundingcollective@yahoo.com

The Resounding Collective Podcast is brought to you by Valkyrie Works, LLC. https://tinyurl.com/Valkyrie-Works
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Autore Jonathan Doan
Organizzazione GoogleMerge thejuggler (kodiak
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