
Episode 023: Bottom of the Black Lake Deep Dive into Fleur Delacour

1 apr 2023 · 48 min. 15 sec.
Episode 023: Bottom of the Black Lake Deep Dive into Fleur Delacour

Fyrebyrd and Ridgeback hold their breath and take a Deep Dive to the Bottom of the Black Lake and into the character of Fleur Delacour. Thank you to our theme...

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Fyrebyrd and Ridgeback hold their breath and take a Deep Dive to the Bottom of the Black Lake and into the character of Fleur Delacour.

Thank you to our theme music provider is The Big Productions LLC ( for our awesome, immersive theme music. Please visit them for all your music needs!
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Autore Fyrebyrd
Organizzazione Fyrebyrd
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