Episode 0000231: David Reece

18 lug 2022 · 1 h 16 min. 29 sec.
Episode 0000231: David Reece

My conversation with singer David Reece (formerly of Accept, Bonfire, Bangalore Choir), talking all about his music history: the albums, the tours, forming his new project Iron Allies with another...

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My conversation with singer David Reece (formerly of Accept, Bonfire, Bangalore Choir), talking all about his music history: the albums, the tours, forming his new project Iron Allies with another former member of Accept + more! Connect with David at the links below: David Reece Official website: http://davidreeceofficial.info  David Reece Official on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100048099653147 Music featured on this episode (intro) by Matthew Johnston  https://soundcloud.com/user-234321408  
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Autore Chad Vice
Organizzazione Chad Vice
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