Ep91: Helping people whose loved one's survivor/thriver is no longer with us - Part 1

18 dic 2022 · 23 min. 34 sec.
Ep91: Helping people whose loved one's survivor/thriver is no longer with us - Part 1

The Holiday Season is supposed to be filled with joy and love and hope; a time of togetherness with family and friends; a time for new beginnings and new resolutions....

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The Holiday Season is supposed to be filled with joy and love and hope; a time of togetherness with family and friends; a time for new beginnings and new resolutions.

But what if you not only feel no joy, but actually feel depressed, and hopeless and alone.

Maybe you've just been diagnosed, or maybe your suffering the side effects of your treatments, or maybe you've been given bad news, or just maybe you've lost a loved one to cancer and their absence at the holiday table is just too much to bear.

Fear not brave friends, Angel and Dr E are here you to deliver some comfort.

Whats your Grief - Litsa Williams, MA, LCSW-C


CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana - https://www.spreaker.com/show/have-faith-let-it-begin-introduction
Rod Freeman - https://www.SmallBizUp.com

Charlotte Larsen - http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia - https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/


CROC gratitude shout outs

Angel Santana - https://www.spreaker.com/show/have-faith-let-it-begin-introduction
Rod Freeman - https://www.SmallBizUp.com

Charlotte Larsen - http://www.charlottelarsen.net/
Michael Benzaia - https://www.michaeljohnbenzaia.com/

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