Ep19: The Call of God (5/1988)

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‘Our name is This Fire and we’re here to say, this eps about rap in a major way!’ That’s right! On today’s episode of This Fire, the Christian Contemporary Music...
mostra di piùThat’s right! On today’s episode of This Fire, the Christian Contemporary Music world FINALLY recognizes rap and hip-hop as a cultural force that’s taking the nation’s youth by storm! It only took them until May of 1988 to do so, but hey! Better late than never we suppose.
Come to see Christians learning about hip-hop in the waning days of the Reagan administration, but STAY for a very special message that will (in theory) let YOU hear God, and specifically his calling for your life. You literally can’t afford to miss this one!
Autore | crunchylightbulb |
Organizzazione | crunchylightbulb |
Sito | - |
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