Ep111- Dr Eric Nepute: "Trust the Science? No, Trust the Silenced"

24 feb 2022 · 38 min. 7 sec.
Ep111- Dr Eric Nepute: "Trust the Science? No, Trust the Silenced"

Our very good friend, Dr Eric Nepute, rejoined the MAGA Institute Podcast with another healthy dose of relentless optimism and upbeat analysis of our crazy, topsy-turvy world. "We have been...

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Our very good friend, Dr Eric Nepute, rejoined the MAGA Institute Podcast with another healthy dose of relentless optimism and upbeat analysis of our crazy, topsy-turvy world. "We have been right from the beginning, Dr Nepute said. "Trust the Science? Trust the scientists? No, here's who you need to trust: trust the SILENCED. There has […]
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Autore MAGA Institute
Organizzazione MAGA Institute
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