Ep 58 New Year Whatcha Doing Differently

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We have made it almost a full week into 2022 and I have to ask you, now that you're in a new year, whatcha doing differently than last year, previous...
mostra di piùEpisode 58 of the Don't Call It Small...Business podcast is dedicated to discussing some of the things that can be done differently, starting today. We're not talking about that New Year Resolution stuff that you only commit to for the first two weeks of the year and then get distracted with other things. Some of you are still working on resolutions from 1999. Seriously, what are you doing right now, today, to bring about some real change? What are you doing differently today that you weren't doing a few weeks or months ago, and you're confident that this tweaking will move you in a new direction or move you in the same direction but may be faster or more efficiently?
Our host, Natasha Foreman, shares some of the things she's doing and she suggests checking our her blog post where she makes a huge announcement. The post goes live tomorrow. Check it out at NatashaForeman.com/blog
Hopefully, today's podcast episode inspires you to try something new, or try something a new way. And by listening in you can then figure out why in the world we have included this video clip reference to the movie Little Shop of Horrors: https://youtu.be/QqFZuR6UzjA?t=76
Watch the clip now if you like, and see if you can figure it out. We doubt it. But it will be funny to view after you listen to Episode 58.
Also in this episode, we shout out some businesses and professionals located in California, Florida, and New York that we hope you will research, follow, and support. Listen in and hear more. We have decided to highlight several businesses during each episode, moving forward. So if you would like to have your company (or one that you support) featured on our podcast and this blog, please email us at DontCallitSmallBiz@gmail.com
Below please see the contact information for the companies featured in Episode 58:
MaderaCoWoodworks.com IG: @ instagram.com/maderaco.woodwork.
Chino, CA
Nunez Building Supplies IG: @ instagram.com/NunezBuildingSupplies
4300 Whittier Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
InspirationCo.com IG: @ instagram.com/theinspiration_co
Florida and available in over 40 malls in the US
HireRunner.co IG: @ instagram.com/hirerunner
Los Angeles, CA
BlkMktVintage.com IG: @ instagram.com/blkmktvintage
465 Marcus Garvey Blvd, Brooklyn, NY
LaCreateSpace.com IG: @ instagram.com/lacreatespace
401 E. Hillcrest Blvd #I, Los Angeles, CA
1010WineAndEvents.com IG: @ instagram.com/1010wineandevents
1010 N. LaBrea Ave., Inglewood, CA
MaggiSimpkins.com IG: @ instagram.com/maggisimpkins
Los Angeles, CA
FindYourHilltop.com IG: @ instagram.com/findyourhilltop
3 locations in Los Angeles, CA
HashtagLunchBag.org IG: @ instagram.com/hashtaglunchbag
Global movement headquartered in Los Angeles
Slauson.co IG: @ instagram.com/Slausonandco
Los Angeles, CA
Company: Foreman & Associates, LLC
Website: ForemanLLC.com
IG: instagram.com/ForemanLLC
FB: Facebook.com/ForemanAndAssociates
Twitter: Twitter.com/ForemanLLC
Podcast Twitter: Twitter.com/ItAintSmall
YouTube: Youtube.com/user/ForemanAssociates
HOST: Natasha L. Foreman, CEO of Foreman & Associates, LLC
Website: NatashaForeman.com
IG: instagram.com/NatashaLForeman
FB: facebook.com/NatashaLForeman
Twitter: twitter.com/NatashaLForeman
LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/NatashaLForeman
Theme Song: “Higher Up” by Shane Ivers
Copyright 2022. Foreman & Associates, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Organizzazione | Foreman & Associates |
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