
Ep 45: Breathe In, Breathe Out w/ SLF

16 lug 2022 · 1 h 18 min. 17 sec.
Ep 45: Breathe In, Breathe Out w/ SLF

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are three unalienable rights granted to us by the Declaration of Independence. However, as a nation, we have been missing the mark...

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are three unalienable rights granted to us by the Declaration of Independence. However, as a nation, we have been missing the mark on liberty. This week's episode has my good friend Steven Fryson, and we discuss a myriad of topics such as abortion, police shootings, Jaylen Walker, adoption, foster care, and more. There has been an escalating level of frustration with the things we are witnessing, and we just wanted to have a vent session with one another. If you are on board with that or are feeling similar frustrations, have a listen. Send this over if you know someone else who might feel this way. Sometimes it's nice to hear other people may be sharing the same feelings you have.
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Organizzazione Barely Qualified
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