Ep 29 - Stronsay Day Trip

16 lug 2021 · 34 min. 25 sec.
Ep 29 - Stronsay Day Trip

Thinking of visiting Stronsay on the trip day 25th July? Not sure what to do, where to go, or what's open? Then listen in to this episode! Ailsa Seatter interviews...

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Thinking of visiting Stronsay on the trip day 25th July? Not sure what to do, where to go, or what's open? Then listen in to this episode! Ailsa Seatter interviews guest speaker Iain Cooper from Stronsay so you know how to make the most of your visit.

Speakers: Isobel Thompson, Ailsa Seatter, and Iain Cooper.
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Autore Wireless Westray
Organizzazione Wireless Westray
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