
Ep 228: "Sleeping with the Enemy" Revisited

30 gen 2024 · 1 h 4 min. 19 sec.
Ep 228: "Sleeping with the Enemy" Revisited

Julia Roberts goes from a "Pretty Woman" to a "Brown Eyed Girl" in the thriller "Sleeping with the Enemy." The Joseph Ruben film tells the tale of a woman who...

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Julia Roberts goes from a "Pretty Woman" to a "Brown Eyed Girl" in the thriller "Sleeping with the Enemy." The Joseph Ruben film tells the tale of a woman who fakes her own death to escape an abusive husband. Back in 1991, audiences lined up to see America's Sweetheart in the fight of her life, breaking box office records. But now, decades later, can this woman-in-peril plot still stay afloat? Is her new love interest scarier than her husband? And was the "hat montage" absolutely necessary? The Old Roommates take a break from their top-secret swimming lessons and give it a rewatch through their middle-aged lens. Listen to this. Trigger warning: This episode discusses themes of domestic abuse.
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#JuliaRoberts #JosephRuben #RonaldBass
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