
Ep 177: "Reality Bites" Revisited

3 gen 2023 · 50 min. 45 sec.
Ep 177: "Reality Bites" Revisited

Winona Ryder: Valedictorian or Sugar Booger? The ultimate Gen X movie, 1994's Reality Bites featured Ryder as "Laney," a bright college grad with limited job opportunities. What's a girl to...

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Winona Ryder: Valedictorian or Sugar Booger? The ultimate Gen X movie, 1994's Reality Bites featured Ryder as "Laney," a bright college grad with limited job opportunities. What's a girl to do? Well, back in the 90's, the answer seemed to be dancing in 7-11s with your roommates. Decades later, what do our Gen Xer podcast hosts think about this little flick with a lot to say? Did then first-time director Ben Stiller capture their generation? Did the script have just 100 pop culture references too many? And was the Ryder-Stiller-Ethan Hawke love triangle just too lopsided? The Old Roommates grab their Big Gulps and give it all a rewatch. Listen to this.
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#BenStiller #HelenChildress #WinonaRyder #EthanHawke #JaneaneGarofalo #SteveZahn
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