
Ep 166: "Dog Day Afternoon" Revisited

18 ott 2022 · 44 min. 15 sec.
Ep 166: "Dog Day Afternoon" Revisited

What do Attica and Christina have in common? Not much, but it's Christina's birthday episode. As is tradition, Christina is making Brian watch a movie he's never seen before. Her...

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What do Attica and Christina have in common? Not much, but it's Christina's birthday episode. As is tradition, Christina is making Brian watch a movie he's never seen before. Her choice? Sidney Lumet's classic, Dog Day Afternoon. Decades ago, the 1975 bank-robbing caper snatched the hearts of audiences and critics alike. Al Pacino and Chris Sarandon got Oscar nominations for their portrayals as lovers embroiled in based-on-a-true-story shenanigans. Did Christina's love of the film stay as true? Did Brian like it at all? The Old Roommates book two tickets to Wyoming and take a closer look. Listen to this.
Bonus content including Christina and Brian’s opinions on Al Pacino’s best performance available at! Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates. Email us at and please give us a rating or review!
#DogDayAfternoon #SidneyLumet #AlPacino #ChrisSarandon #JohnCazale #CharlesDurning #jamesbroderick
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