
Ep 160: "The Breakfast Club" Revisited

6 set 2022 · 1 h 13 min. 33 sec.
Ep 160: "The Breakfast Club" Revisited

Season Premiere! The jock. The princess. The podcast. Oh yes, the Old Roommates are back and taking an oh-so-shallow dive into the iconic 1985 John Hughes classic, The Breakfast Club....

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Season Premiere! The jock. The princess. The podcast. Oh yes, the Old Roommates are back and taking an oh-so-shallow dive into the iconic 1985 John Hughes classic, The Breakfast Club. Along with special guest and super fan, Naomi B., they'll discuss if the film makes the grade through their middle-aged lenses. Would Molly Ringwald have made a better Allison? Would all of them have really gotten high? And do we want to know what Brian Johnson did to get detention ... DO WEEEE? These and many more questions will be answered as The Old Roommates grab a seat before the bell rings. Listen to this!
Bonus content including our dramatic reading of a pivotal scene in The Breakfast Club is available at! Follow Old Roommates on social media @OldRoommates. Email us at and please give us a rating or review! #TheBreakfastClub #JohnHughes #MollyRingwald #EmilioEstevez #AllySheedy #JuddNelson #AnthonyMichaelHall
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