Ep 16: Spiders aren't plants!

11 ott 2021 · 58 min. 45 sec.
Ep 16: Spiders aren't plants!

If you want the garden of your dreams next summer - now is the time to (quite literally) lay the groundwork. Diarmuid and Paul chat through making a plan, how...

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If you want the garden of your dreams next summer - now is the time to (quite literally) lay the groundwork. Diarmuid and Paul chat through making a plan, how to edit and what to plant. Diarmuid tells the story of his garden and what ambitions he has for it next year. Even if you don't want to plumb an outdoor bath like he does, you can still take a leaf out of his book.
Paul tells the story of how his garden went from side-hobby to horticultural splendour. The lads talk about what patio trends will still be big in summer 2022. Decking hasn't gone away, you know!
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