Ep 11 - Describing the Scope of Work in Your Contract

14 dic 2020 · 9 min. 30 sec.
Ep 11 - Describing the Scope of Work in Your Contract

In this episode we talk about describing your scope of work in your contract and how this can have an impact on your ability to collect final payment or file...

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In this episode we talk about describing your scope of work in your contract and how this can have an impact on your ability to collect final payment or file construction liens.

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*Nothing on this podcast should be considered a solicitation for legal representation. Further, nothing on this podcast establishes an attorney-client relationship between us. Do not take action or fail to take action based on the information provided on this podcast. The statements and views expressed on this podcast are my own and do not reflect those of my law firm. Further, they are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion.
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Autore Jason Lambert
Organizzazione Jason Lambert
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