Ep. 007 | Seven Days that Divide the World by Prof. John C. Lennox | Filling the shelf

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About the author: Professor John Carson Lennox •Professor (emeritus) of Mathematics at the University of Oxford •Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of science •Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College,...
mostra di più•Professor (emeritus) of Mathematics at the University of Oxford
•Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of science
•Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College, Oxford.
•Author of many books on science and the big questions of life as well as the intellectual defence of Christianity
About the book:
'With examples from history, Prof. Lennox offers a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into particular significance of the creation of human beings. The main thesis of the book is that Christians can heed to modern scientific knowledge while staying faithful to the biblical narrative.' In other words, science and Christianity are complementary.
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Autore | Kingsley Odoom |
Organizzazione | Kingsley Odoom |
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