England is getting a divorce! and the people are happy!

1 feb 2020 · 59 min. 26 sec.
England is getting a divorce! and the people are happy!

Xander Gibb, openly gay CONSERVATIVE Author and Talk Show host says, Democrats are stamping their feet and having temper tantrums because they don’t like the way the Senate is handling...

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Xander Gibb, openly gay CONSERVATIVE Author and Talk Show host says, Democrats are stamping their feet and having temper tantrums because they don’t like the way the Senate is handling the impeachment trial.

BREXIT is officially a done deal. The UK is divorced from the EU.

It doesn’t matter what Trump does. He can’t win. If he found a cure for cancer they’d scream “How DARE he find a cure for cancer!”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) breaks her fundraising record in crusade to take on DCCC. Nancy Pelosi must be shaking in the boots!

Harry and Meghan, the saga continues. Is anyone else feeling sorry for Harry? Didn’t she know what she was signing up for when she married Harry?
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Autore The Joe Messina Show
Organizzazione The Joe Messina Show
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