Encore: Desire: A Path Towards Liberation with Claire Rumore

1 nov 2022 · 56 min. 42 sec.
Encore: Desire: A Path Towards Liberation with Claire Rumore

Claire Rumore is a coach, counselor and professional confidant for men, women and couples who come to her deeply desiring to understand themselves as multidimensional sexual, spiritual, and relational beings....

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Claire Rumore is a coach, counselor and professional confidant for men, women and couples who come to her deeply desiring to understand themselves as multidimensional sexual, spiritual, and relational beings. She is also co-director at the Shakti Shiva Academy. Her areas of interest and expertise include:
non-dual tantra
sexual shadow integration
emotional integration
attachment styles
erotic blueprints (created by Jaiya)
sexual energy awakening
cosmic sexuality energy sex
existential kink (created by Carolyn Elliott)

She is a certified Erotic Blueprints coach and has training in the Hakomi method of somatic psychotherapy, co-counseling, positive psychology, sacred kink, and pleasure activism.

Guest Links:

Click here to receive a free interactive workbook and mini course that details 5 reasons why Tantra approaches desire as a path toward liberation and teaches how you can too.
You'll learn how to:
Take desire out of the realm of guilt and shame
Relate to desire from a subject, not object, position
Understand the role of shadow in your desires
Confront the taboos you ve picked up along the way
Liberate yourself and your relationships from repetitive patterns

Show Links:
The ECS YouTube Channel
The ECS Facebook Live Link (Tuesdays @ 3pm PST)
The ECS Spotify
The ECS Apple Podcasts
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Organizzazione The Transformation Network
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