Ecological Approach vs Progressive Resistance with Greg Souders & Priit Mihkelson

7 set 2023 · 2 h 3 min. 50 sec.
Ecological Approach vs Progressive Resistance with Greg Souders & Priit Mihkelson

I talk to Greg Souders and Priit Mihkelson, two of the most forward-thinking jiu-jitsu coaches today, about their philosophies on training methodology and practice design. Greg advocates for an ecological...

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I talk to Greg Souders and Priit Mihkelson, two of the most forward-thinking jiu-jitsu coaches today, about their philosophies on training methodology and practice design. Greg advocates for an ecological approach focused on constraints and foundational functions, while Preet comes from a background utilizing progressive resistance. We have an in-depth discussion on motor learning, developing skills, and the merits of different systems like ecological dynamics versus traditional step-by-step technique instruction. They analyze how to best structure training sessions, teach students, and elicit desired skills with games and drilling. A debate between two grappling philosophers on the cutting edge of instruction and understanding what it takes to excel at BJJ.
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Autore Sonny Brown
Organizzazione Sonny Brown
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