E6 - Talking to Old Folks

9 ago 2022 · 46 min. 22 sec.
E6 - Talking to Old Folks

My best attempt to convince each of us to endure some of the uncomfortable small talk with our ancestors in order to discover who they really are as individuals. What...

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My best attempt to convince each of us to endure some of the uncomfortable small talk with our ancestors in order to discover who they really are as individuals. What challenged them? What brought them happiness? What gave them purpose? What caused them pain?

Asking these questions to grandparents, great aunts and uncles, parents, and others in our families who came before us, just might reveal a story or lead you to a moment that helps you overcome a challenge you are facing in your own life.

At the very least your bound to get some dirt on a relative or two!
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Autore The Good Factory
Organizzazione Rob S
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