e58 How to Instantly Convert Someone to a Day-1 Arrival

3 apr 2021 · 34 min. 2 sec.
e58 How to Instantly Convert Someone to a Day-1 Arrival

How do you make total strangers into patients? How fast can you do it? How can you do it faster? What makes people so interested (or disinterested) in the first...

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How do you make total strangers into patients? How fast can you do it? How can you do it faster? What makes people so interested (or disinterested) in the first place? Maybe you're pretty good. Maybe you're not. But even if you are, you still look for better answers to these questions. And there is a finite answer to end all answers. And, it's IN THIS EPISODE. Tune in now and find out what this process takes and what the mechanics are that EVERYONE, no matter how interested or disinterested MUST go through to GUARANTEE their interest in your Day 1, your Report of Findings and your recommendations. There is one process and it takes what it takes. But, if you know it, it's game over... YOU WIN! Join me for what I am calling the sequel to episode 57 and a follow-up to the "blank slate" I mentioned each prospect has and how to write anything you want on it. Listen now!
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Autore Frank Sardella
Organizzazione Frank Sardella
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