e53 Season 1 Finale SHOCKER! I Don't Want to Help YOU!

13 lug 2019 · 58 min. 18 sec.
e53 Season 1 Finale SHOCKER! I Don't Want to Help YOU!

Finally, a decision on where Season 1 ends and where Season 2 starts, these reasons, whys and wherefores, especially the fact that I had an epiphany and realized YOU are...

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Finally, a decision on where Season 1 ends and where Season 2 starts, these reasons, whys and wherefores, especially the fact that I had an epiphany and realized YOU are not the one I wanted to help, but that by targeting those I do, you win too! Tune in for this epic end to Season 1 and a foreshadowing of the awesomeness you will get in the Season 2 premiere and beyond!
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Autore Frank Sardella
Organizzazione Frank Sardella
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