E124: CONSENT Parenting

7 apr 2021 · 45 min. 24 sec.
E124: CONSENT Parenting

We are kicking off Sexual Assault Awareness & Child Abuse Awareness month with Rosalia Rivera from CONSENTParenting and AboutCONSENT Podcast. We had a very informative, insightful, and touching conversation. We...

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We are kicking off Sexual Assault Awareness & Child Abuse Awareness month with Rosalia Rivera from CONSENTParenting and AboutCONSENT Podcast.

We had a very informative, insightful, and touching conversation. We could have gone on for hours talking about consent, sexual abuse, grooming, and human sex tracking.

She is changing the dialogue of teaching from a fear-based conversation to a consent-based one by working on dismantling rape culture, creating a consent culture, and helping survivors step into their healing journey. She teaches parents, especially parents that are survivors themselves, how to navigate the journey of abuse prevention, break the cycle and empower all of us!

These are very valuable conversations that we need to have with both children and adults. She offers plenty of free resources in her private Facebook group, website, and podcast. As well as offering classes, workshops, and courses.

Rosalia Rivera is a consent educator, abuse prevention specialist, sexual literacy advocate, speaker, change agent, and the founder of CONSENTparenting™. She is the host of the AboutCONSENT™ podcast and creator of CONSENTwear™. Rosalia teaches parents, particularly child sexual abuse survivors, how to educate their children on body safety, boundaries, and consent so that they can empower their families to prevent abuse and break intergenerational cycles. Rosalia is on a mission to end child sexual abuse, dismantle shame, and help survivors heal and become thrivers.
Rosalia is certified through the Canadian Centre for Child Protections COMMIT TO KIDS® program, and Darkness To Light Stewards of Children® program, as well as the human trafficking prevention training program: OnWatch™ by Safe House Project.
Although Rosalia was born in El Salvador and grew up in NY, she now resides in northern Canada with her partner and three young kids.

Follow CONSENTParenting:
Website: https://www.consentparenting.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aboutconsentpodcast/
Podcast: AboutConsent.com 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/consentparenting

Subscribe (available on all platforms)
*iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-sex-positive-me-29496726/
*Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sex-positive-me/id1197124228 
*Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/1D7hKQM7QSqjHsa0Z8RhI9?si=6pgmY2oKQxi5ndzD8Jdctg

Sex Positive Me Social Media:
*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spmthelunas/
*Twitter: https://twitter.com/SexPositiveMe
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SexPositiveMe/
*YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sexpositiveme
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Autore Angelique Luna
Organizzazione Angelique Luna
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