Duke head coach Glen Lanham – OTM567

19 apr 2019 · 1 h 36 min. 42 sec.
Duke head coach Glen Lanham – OTM567

Duke head coach Glen Lanham goes On The Mat With no scholarships, Duke head coach Glen Lanham has one of the must unique positions in college coaching. Recently, Blue Devil...

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Duke head coach Glen Lanham goes On The Mat

With no scholarships, Duke head coach Glen Lanham has one of the must unique positions in college coaching. Recently, Blue Devil wrestling has seen All-Americans Conner Hartmann, Jacob Kasper and Mitch Finesilver come through the program. Get some backstory on Lanham, as well as a Kasper's Korner segment. Join Andy Hamilton and Kyle Klingman as they talk to our guest and topics related to the recent happenings in and around wrestling.

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Autore Jason Bryant
Organizzazione Mat Talk Online - Jason Bryant
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