
Dr. Rady Answers YOUR Burning Questions: From Vertical Facelifts to Hyperbaric Treatments Post Operatively

25 ott 2023 · 25 min. 23 sec.
Dr. Rady Answers YOUR Burning Questions: From Vertical Facelifts to Hyperbaric Treatments Post Operatively

In this episode, Dr. Rady responds to his listener's questions regarding everything to do with the face and post-op recovery questions. Is there such a thing as a vertical facelift?...

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In this episode, Dr. Rady responds to his listener's questions regarding everything to do with the face and post-op recovery questions. Is there such a thing as a vertical facelift? What options are available for under-eye hollowness? Are hyperbaric chambers suitable for post-op recovery, and what do you do if you have a history of substance abuse and want to do plastic surgery? These are just some of the great questions sent. If you would like to ask Dr.Rahban a question regarding plastic surgery, please write to us at, and your questions just might be answered in our next episode.

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Autore Rady Rahban MD
Organizzazione Rady Rahban
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