Dr Mitch Hewitt - The Spectrum of Coaching Styles

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In this episode I talk to Dr Mitch Hewitt, who is the National Youth Programs Manager at Tennis Australia. Mitch completed his PhD at the University of Southern Queensland and...
mostra di piùTo view the full video of Koko's Arendelle Home Court Tennis go to the link: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/index.php/extwidget/preview/partner_id/2113881/uiconf_id/45477432/entry_id/0_hvkfcb7j/embed/dynamic
If you would like more information or to connect with Mitch you can find him via his LinkedIn page under the name: Dr Mitch Hewitt (A/Prof. University of Canberra) PhD MEd BAppSci HumanMovement(Hons)GradDipEd(PE)BA
Autore | James Barkell |
Organizzazione | James Barkell |
Sito | - |
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