Dr. John Calhoon on Doctor Burnout

1 nov 2022 · 35 min. 56 sec.
Dr. John Calhoon on Doctor Burnout

What are warning signs a doctor may be experiencing doctor burnout? How are some nonprofits affected by doctor burnout? What can members of the CHD community do to try to...

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What are warning signs a doctor may be experiencing doctor burnout? How are some nonprofits affected by doctor burnout? What can members of the CHD community do to try to reduce doctor burnout?

Today's program is 'Dr. John Calhoon on Doctor Burnout in the CHD Community' and our Guest is Dr. John Calhoon.

Dr. Calhoon is both a congenital and adult cardiac surgeon and was my Heart Warrior’s surgeon. He also wrote the Foreword for my first book: “Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: A Parent’s Handbook.”

Dr. Calhoon is the Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center and also is the Director of the Congenital Heart Center in San Antonio, a partnership of UHS and UTH. Over the years, his interests and expertise have included complex congenital heart surgery; heart and lung transplantation; less invasive cardiac surgery, and improving education and patient care.

He has served as the President of many national cardiac associations and is currently President of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons – the largest heart and lung specialty organization in the world., He helped found HeartGift San Antonio, an organization that sponsors charitable lifesaving congenital heart repairs on kids from around the globe.

Dr. Calhoon is married to his wife Sarah, and together they have four children: Satchel, Stetson, Seve, and James.

Today we'll learn about Dr. Calhoon's views on doctor burnout, some of the causes of doctor burnout, and what the CHD community can do to help prevent or curb doctor burnout.

Here's a link to an article about Chip Oswalt – the surgeon who founded HeartGift - Austin: https://ctvstexas.com/a-doctor/

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Autore Anna Jaworski
Organizzazione Anna Jaworski
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