Dr. Jack - All About Headaches

14 gen 2020 · 37 min. 38 sec.
Dr. Jack - All About Headaches

01/07/20 - Host Doug Stephan and Dr. Jack Stockwell, www.forbiddendoctor.com Phone: 866-867-5070 discuss headaches in great detail. Learn the different types of headaches, what causes them and how to treat...

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01/07/20 - Host Doug Stephan and Dr. Jack Stockwell, www.forbiddendoctor.com Phone: 866-867-5070 discuss headaches in great detail. Learn the different types of headaches, what causes them and how to treat them. Next, Dr. Jack gives you some ideas to help get your children to take medications that taste awful. Then, do you have any idea how amazing your brain your brain is? You'll never think of your brain the same way again. Want to learn a great way to stop Macular Degeneration? And then, Dr. Ken lets us in on the best time of the day to exercise to burn fat. Plus lots more great tips and ideas to help you maintain your good health.
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Autore Doug Stephan
Organizzazione Doug Stephan
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