Douglas Bennett on freedom, the American Congress and leadership

3 feb 2021 · 56 min. 25 sec.
Douglas Bennett on freedom, the American Congress and leadership

In this episode: Douglas F. Bennett, current Assistant Professor of Political Science and Chairman of the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at Southern Utah University and a former...

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In this episode: Douglas F. Bennett, current Assistant Professor of Political Science and Chairman of the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at Southern Utah University and a former lobbyist and counsel to the House of Representatives, talks about being born and raised in a family of politicians, getting to Washington, D.C., from rural America in the 80s, the U.S. Congress, among other topics on politics, freedom and human rights. Feedback regarding this episode? Please do it to Support the work that I'm doing by sending some love through Follow the podcast's page on Instagram @analyzepodcast.
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Autore Tiago Rodrigues da Costa
Organizzazione Tiago Rodrigues da Costa
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