
Doctor Feelbad

9 ago 2022 · 30 min. 21 sec.
Doctor Feelbad

We're in China today, where a rich man's son squanders a fortune or three. When he finally learns his lesson, his mysterious wizard benefactor decides it's time to level him...

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We're in China today, where a rich man's son squanders a fortune or three. When he finally learns his lesson, his mysterious wizard benefactor decides it's time to level him up. The wizard gives him some pills and tells him not to scream, which is always a good start to a sidequest. When he finally comes to, he's lived a whole second life. But will he ever get back to it?

For sources and links, check out our Patreon, or follow on Twitter. Our theme music is from Carnaval des Animaux, performed by Aitua.
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Autore Amy & Casey
Organizzazione Amy & Casey
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