Do You Get The Butterflies? | Here's Why They Are NEEDED

23 gen 2024 · 15 min. 19 sec.
Do You Get The Butterflies? | Here's Why They Are NEEDED

🌟It is right before a performance, and you're getting ready to take the field, give a speech, or make a major sales call. Suddenly, you just start to feel....strange? You...

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🌟It is right before a performance, and you're getting ready to take the field, give a speech, or make a major sales call. Suddenly, you just start to feel....strange? You can't quite put your finger on how you feel. It's as if butterflies are flying around in your stomach. Yes, everyone experiences the butterflies! 🦋🦋🦋
But why? Why do the butterflies happen and are they a bad thing? Most people think this sensation means you're nervous, scared, or even unprepared. That is WRONG. The butterflies are a great thing. It is the Zone knocking at the door.
🧠Tune into The ZoneCoach® Show to learn about why we get the butterflies, what exactly is happening to our body, and to know what to do once we start to experience them.

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Autore Jim Fannin
Organizzazione Jim Fannin
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