DISRUPT to Influence others? – The Disrupt-then-Reframe-Technique

18 mag 2024 · 4 min. 44 sec.
DISRUPT to Influence others? – The Disrupt-then-Reframe-Technique

Psychology of Influence: Beware of the Disrupt-then-reframe-technique The Disrupt-then-reframe-technique is a influence technique that is based on similar mechanisms like the handshake induction by Milton Erickson... Author: Eskil Burck (Kalaidos...

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Psychology of Influence: Beware of the Disrupt-then-reframe-technique

The Disrupt-then-reframe-technique is a influence technique that is based on similar mechanisms like the handshake induction by Milton Erickson...

Author: Eskil Burck (Kalaidos University of Applied Science Zürich) 

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Autore Eskil Burck
Organizzazione Eskil Burck
Sito www.learningpsychology.net

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