Diffusione Fiaba #55 - "Queer stories"

2 dic 2023 · 1 h 32 min. 35 sec.
Diffusione Fiaba #55 - "Queer stories"

Podcast in English: "Queer stories", broadcast by https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057532703837 on https://www.radiocavolo.org, on 24/11/23; Production: https://www.facebook.com/elena.asciutti.1, radio storyteller In this episode, Elena Asciutti engaged with Aaron Oliver, storyteller in the UK. It...

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Podcast in English: "Queer stories", broadcast by Diffusione Fiaba on Radio Cavolo, on 24/11/23; Production: Elena Asciutti, radio storyteller

In this episode, Elena Asciutti engaged with Aaron Oliver, storyteller in the UK. It was a journey across storytelling and queer stories, and their connection with a more inclusive representation of reality in comparison to the monolithic identity depicted by the straight and patriarchal culture.

In fact, in fairy tales, there is plenty of queer enchantment to go around, and Aaron well pointed out how oral tradition can transform and play a transformative role in our societies, fostering inclusion and diversity, whilst avoiding the symbolic annihilation (term used for the first time by the USA scholar George Gerbner in the ’70s) of some groups of people, on the basis of sexual orintation, and even on gender, race, socio-economic status, etc.

- "The Daugheter of the Sun", adaptation by Aaron Oliver of the Italian fairy tale "La Figlia del Sole" transcripted by Italo Calvino in his anthology Italian Folktales (#74, city of Pisa) (22'50'')
- "The Man on the Moon", original story by Aaron Oliver (1h07')

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Autore Elena Asciutti
Organizzazione Elena Asciutti
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