
Detour to Delight: An Unexpected Journey

20 dic 2023 · 15 min. 13 sec.
Detour to Delight: An Unexpected Journey

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 41 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Detour to Delight: An Unexpected Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na začiatku bola rozbitá budík. En: At...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Detour to Delight: An Unexpected Journey
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na začiatku bola rozbitá budík.
En: At the beginning, the alarm clock was broken.

Sk: Juraj, ktorý vždy vstával priskoro, aby prišiel do kancelárie včas, zaspal.
En: Juraj, who always woke up early to arrive at the office on time, overslept.

Sk: Rýchlo sa obliekol a vybehol z bytu.
En: He quickly got dressed and rushed out of the apartment.

Sk: Chcel zachytiť obvyklý autobus, ale jeho myseľ bola stále ospalá a zmätená.
En: He wanted to catch the usual bus, but his mind was still sleepy and confused.

Sk: Ulice Bratislavy sa pomaly prebúdzali, zatiaľ čo Juraj bežal k zastávke.
En: The streets of Bratislava were slowly waking up as Juraj ran to the bus stop.

Sk: S náhlou zmenou osudu, Juraj v rýchlom tempe prestúpil na autobus, ktorý tam nezvykol stáť.
En: With a sudden twist of fate, Juraj quickly boarded a bus that wasn't usually there.

Sk: V duchu neistoty a ponáhľania si nevšimol, že je to autobus číslo 404, nie jeho obvyklý 94.
En: Amidst uncertainty and haste, he didn't notice that it was bus number 404, not his usual 94.

Sk: Po chvíli, keď sa rozjazd osobných aut menil na lúky a polia, Juraj si uvedomil, že je niečo zle.
En: After a while, as the urban sprawl turned into meadows and fields, Juraj realized something was wrong.

Sk: Autobus náhle zastavil uprostred neznámej krajiny, kde bolo jedinečnou stavbou stará ovčia farma.
En: The bus suddenly stopped in the middle of an unfamiliar country, where the only unique building was an old sheep farm.

Sk: Juraj zostal sám, pretože ostatní cestujúci už odišli.
En: Juraj was left alone as the other passengers had already left.

Sk: "Kde som to len prišiel?
En: "Where have I ended up?"

Sk: " začudoval sa.
En: he marveled.

Sk: Vyšiel von a okolo neho sa rozprestierali zelené pažity a stádo oviec.
En: He stepped out and found himself surrounded by green meadows and a flock of sheep.

Sk: V tom pristúpila ku Jurajovi usmievavá mladá žena.
En: Then a cheerful young woman approached him.

Sk: "Volám sa Lucia a toto je naša rodinná farma," povedala.
En: "My name is Lucia, and this is our family farm," she said.

Sk: "Vyzeráš stratený.
En: "You look lost."

Sk: "Juraj sa predstavil a vyrozprával jej celý príbeh.
En: Juraj introduced himself and told her the whole story.

Sk: Lucia sa zasmiala a povedala: "Nazývame toto 'cesta osudu'.
En: Lucia laughed and said, "We call this the 'path of fate'.

Sk: Teraz, keď si tu, nepôjdeš prázdny.
En: Now that you're here, you won't leave empty-handed.

Sk: Poď a ukážem ti, ako žijeme.
En: Come, and I'll show you how we live."

Sk: "Juraj strávil deň pomocou Lucie na farme.
En: Juraj spent the day with Lucia on the farm.

Sk: Učil sa kŕmiť ovce a dokonca pomáhal pri strihaní vlny.
En: He learned how to feed the sheep and even helped with shearing the wool.

Sk: Deň na farme ho tak pohltil, že vybledli jeho starosti o zmeškaný pracovný deň.
En: The day on the farm engulfed him so much that his worries about missing a day of work faded away.

Sk: Večer, keď si Lucia a Juraj sadli na drevenú lavicu s výhľadom na západ slnka, hovorili o živote v meste a na vidieku.
En: In the evening, as Lucia and Juraj sat on a wooden bench overlooking the sunset, they talked about life in the city and in the countryside.

Sk: Juraj pocítil pokoj a šťastie, ktoré v kancelárii nikdy nemal.
En: Juraj felt a peace and happiness that he had never experienced in the office.

Sk: "Vieš čo," zamyslene povedal Juraj, "možno máš pravdu o tej ceste osudu.
En: "You know," Juraj said thoughtfully, "maybe you're right about this path of fate."

Sk: "Lucia mu ukázala, ktorý autobus ho vráti do Bratislavy.
En: Lucia showed him which bus would take him back to Bratislava.

Sk: No Juraj si už nebol istý, či sa chce vrátiť do tej rutiny.
En: But Juraj wasn't sure if he wanted to return to that routine.

Sk: Na druhý deň ráno, Juraj nenastúpil na autobus späť do mesta.
En: The next morning, Juraj didn't board the bus back to the city.

Sk: Rozhodol sa zostať a naučiť sa viac o živote na farme.
En: He decided to stay and learn more about farm life.

Sk: A tak zámienka rozbudíka a nesprávny autobus Juraja neviedli do kancelárie, ale k novej kapitole jeho života, kde zistil, že šťastie a smiech môže nájsť aj medzi ovcami a zelenými lúkami.
En: And so, the malfunctioning alarm clock and the wrong bus didn't lead Juraj to the office, but to a new chapter in his life, where he discovered that happiness and laughter can be found among sheep and green meadows.

Vocabulary Words:
  • alarm clock: budík
  • overslept: zaspal
  • rushed out: vybehol
  • bus stop: zastávka
  • twist of fate: zmena osudu
  • boarded: prestúpil
  • uncertainty: neistota
  • urban sprawl: rozjazd
  • meadows: lúky
  • fields: polia
  • stopped: zastavil
  • unfamiliar: neznámy
  • building: stavba
  • sheep farm: ovčia farma
  • marveled: začudoval
  • surrounded: obklopený
  • flock: stádo
  • approached: pristúpila
  • laughter: smiech
  • empt-handed: prázdny
  • shearing: strihanie
  • worries: starosti
  • overlooking: s výhľadom na
  • peace: pokoj
  • happiness: šťastie
  • routine: rutina
  • malfunctioning: rozbudíka
  • chapter: kapitola
  • discovered: zistil
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