Dave Reynolds - Developing Effective Coaches

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This week I speak with Dave Reynolds who is in charge of Coach Development in the South Australian National Football League. Dave was recommended to me from Professor Shane Pill...
mostra di piùFor me the conversation about the need for junior AFL coaches to move their mindset from winning only and using tactics for success that do not necessarily develop players to one that is more focused on player development is a pertinent one that I believe a lot of sports are dealing with. The end goal for development coaches should be just that development. It’s an interesting topic that I am sure would create a lot of debate. I love Dave’s idea about developing communities of coaches where you can bounce ideas off other coaches & share thoughts, views and opinions on trends in coaching. As we say to the kids sharing is caring and if we really care about the future of our sports we need to embrace sharing. We can also learn a lot from other coaches in other sports and having mentors outside of your own sport is something that could help you grow as a coach. If you’d like to contact Dave he is active on LinkedIn under his name Dave Reynolds or via Twitter under @Dave_Reno516.
Autore | James Barkell |
Organizzazione | James Barkell |
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