CTO of the CNCF # 1 -- his background and an overview of the CNCF foundation

10 gen 2024 · 5 min. 1 sec.
CTO of the CNCF # 1 -- his background and an overview of the CNCF foundation

Barton George sat down with Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) to get his insight into a variety of topics – episode 1 of 7. We...

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Barton George sat down with Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) to get his insight into a variety of topics – episode 1 of 7. We started out by discussing Chris’s background and how he ended up at the Linux Foundation as the CTO of the CNCF. He then walked us through the breadth and depth of the CNCF and how Kubernetes is just a small part of it
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Organizzazione Dell Technologies
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